Latitude: 54° 02'N
Longitude: 06° 00'W
Country: N. Ireland
Ownership: Northern Ireland Fishery Harbour Authority
Type: Private
Usage: Fishing
Contact name: Michael Young, Harbour Master
Telephone no: 028 4176 2287 (Office), 077 0257 3879 (Mobile)
About Kilkeel
The harbour at Kilkeel bustles with the province's largest fleet, and is busiest during landings and at auction time when fish, including herring, are sold on the quay. There are fish-processing factories around the port, pleasure angling off the piers and miles of lobster pots along the coast.In Juy 2002 a £4.4m development was announced, to upgrade safety and to sustainand support fishing capability at the harbour. The two entrance piers willbe upgraded,a new winchand cradel provided for the slipway repair facility and contaminated mud will be cleared from the inner harbour. Work was due to be completed in 2004.
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