Crombie Pier
Latitude: 56° 02'N
Longitude: 03° 32'W
Country: Scotland
Ownership: Defence Storage and Distribution Agency
Type: Private
Address: Limekilns, Fife, KY12 8LA
Telephone no: 01383 872591
About Crombie Pier
DMC (Defence Munitions Centre) Crombie provides comprehensive multi-faceted munitions and maintenance support to the UK Armed Forces. The Centre’s primary focus is to the Royal Air Force’s Air Launched weapons. In addition to providing normal storage and processing activities, the depot provides ship mounted gun overhaul and maintenance of Naval mine and mine disposal systems.Its facilities include an Integrated Weapon Complex (IWC) and a modern deep water explosives handling jetty, which can accept up to 49,000 tonnes displacement, that supports war vessels and Royal Fleet Auxiliaries (RFAs).
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