Latitude: 57° 08'N
Longitude: 05° 48'W
Country: Scotland
Ownership: Lady Lucilla Noble
Type: Private
Usage: Leisure, Fishing
About Isleornsay
About halfway along the south east coast of Skye the island of Ornsay shelters one of the best natural harbours in southern Skye. The location was exploited from the 1700s or earlier by the MacDonalds who owned this part of Skye.By 1820 stone piers had been built, and Isleornsay (or Eilean Iarmain) was a thriving herring fishing port. It also became a stopping off point for steamers coming from Glasgow via the Crinan Canal. The steamer service combined with the beautiful setting and views led to it becoming a popular resort.
Nowadays the small jetty is used mainly by fishing boats and as a landing point for yachts moored in the harbour. There are more than a dozen moorings. The previous owner, former merchant banker Sir Iain Noble, died on Christmas Day 2010. He was survived by his wife, Lady Lucilla.
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